Regenerative Thermal Oxidizers (RTO)

A regenerative thermal oxidizer (RTO) is an air pollution control device that destroys VOCs and hazardous air pollutants (HAPs) in industrial exhaust air. By using regenerative heat recovery, it achieves high fuel efficiency, often operating with 95% heat recovery.
RTO Case Studies
RTO Operation
Maintaining an RTO
Selecting an RTO
We can evaluate the existing oxidizer capacity and the requirements of the new process and determine the best approach to upgrade the oxidizer. This could include new heat exchanger media, a larger fan or possibly both. We would also evaluate things like the burner system and combustion chamber size to verify it can provide the required destruction levels. Some applications would be a good match for a VOC concentrator that can significantly concentrate (>10:1) airstreams currently exhausting to the oxidizer.
Ease of installation results in lower turnkey cost
VOCs must combine with oxygen and heat to trigger the chemical reaction that breaks them down into CO2 and H2O. There are many successful thermal oxidizer designs that ensure sufficient turbulence, such as introducing the process air at an angle to induce spin or creating internal choke points. The better the mixing and heat distribution, the higher the VOC destruction.
RTOs typically operate at 1500o – 1600o Fahrenheit depending upon the VOC characteristics. Thermocouples inside the chamber monitor temperature and adjust gas burner firing as needed. Adequate temperature is essential to ensure VOC destruction efficiency. In most cases a data log of chamber temperature is required for air quality compliance.